Swimming Champion and NT Junior Sportsperson of Year
Year 9 superstar, Macey Sheridan competed at the 2024 Australian Age Swimming Championships in the Gold Coast during April.
Macey was the most prolific medal winner of the Championships, winning five gold medals and one silver medal.
For her age group, Macey not only won National titles in 50m Freestyle, she also set new NT records in;
- 100m Freestyle
- 50m Backstroke
- 100m Backstroke
- 200m Backstroke
Macey and her fellow HRS students, Chloe Reader (Year 11) and Ella Cox (Year 8) entered the Darwin Swimming Club in the 13-17 Years Girls 4x50m and 4x100m Medley and Sam Reader (Year 10) also swam at the Championships.
Macey is now preparing for the most prestigious domestic swimming event in the national calendar, the Australian Olympic Trials in Brisbane which will serve as the sole selection meet for the Dolphins Swimming Team to compete in the Olympic Games in Paris!
On top of Macey's remarkable performance, she went on to win the NT Junior Sportsperson of the Year 2024.
Well done Macey. A true testament to combining determination and commitment with a sport you love.

Top End 3x3 Basketball Gala Day
Senior School students competed in the Top End 3x3 Basketball Gala Day at Palmerston Recreational Centre on Wednesday, 24 April. 3 boys, and 2 girls teams represented Haileybury Rendall School as they competed against various Northern Territory Schools.
Each team demonstrated enthusiasm, diligence and fantastic sportsmanship, endeavouring to lift each other’s spirit in every aspect of the game.
Students successfully represented Haileybury Rendall School throughout the day, and they should be immensely proud of their efforts.
Congratulations to the students from Team 5, Cobie Lee (Year 10), Marika Carlton (Year 10) & Amelia Simms (Year 11) for placing 1st in the Girls pool, taking home the flag for the day and Team 4 students Sharelle Lalara (Year 11), Talima Tipuamantamerri (Year 11), Anna Simone (Year 11) & Vanessa Gondarra (Year 11) for coming in 2nd place.
Another congratulations to the following students who were awarded Physical Literacy Certificate on the day for:
- Exceptional Movement Skills – Cobie Lee (Year10)
- Engagement, Enjoyment & Motivation – Kenny Shadforth (Year10)
- Positive Mindset & Resilience - Sharelle Lalara (Year11)
- Respect, Teamwork & Leadership – Talima Tipuamantamerri (Year 11)
- Knowledge of Rules, Tactics & Safety – Ethan Christrup (Year11)
Well done to all involved.

Simone O’Brien & Conor Bowden
World's Greatest Shave
On Friday, 22 March Haileybury Rendall School held our annual World’s Greatest Shave Event.
This is a whole school event where we all come together to support and celebrate staff and students for their fundraising efforts to shave their hair.
There was such a wonderful atmosphere with everyone having lots of fun cheering on their peers and staff that shaved their hair.
There was plenty to enjoy at the event including a BBQ, temporary tattoos, coloured hairspray, and a cake stall.
So far, our amazing team has raised an incredible $17,339.85
These donations will make a huge impact in helping the Leukemia Foundation with their ongoing support to the thousands of Australians they provide services to. These services include research, emotional support and advocacy, educational programs, and access to a home away from home accommodation for regional families that are required to relocate to the city for treatment.
Thank you to James Shaw and Quenton Brooking for cooking the BBQ, the HRS Leaders that helped on the day, the maintenance team for the set up and pack down as well as Elsie Harden and Ellie Dancis who helped Miss Lisa with the shaving of hair.
The left-over BBQ food was donated to Aunty Free Feeds.
Lisa Cadd
Teacher Assistant - Inclusion and Support
NT Young Achiever Awards
Haileybury Rendall School is very proud to congratulate Lalwa May (Year 12) on winning the ZipPrint Sports Award for her excellence in equestrian, at the Northern Territory Young Achievers Awards in April.

Our talented Junior School art students continue to be guided by inspiration and cultural contexts to create their artwork. Our new primary art room is fantastic with new refurbishing, a new sink and new large drying racks.

Haileybury Rendall School Easter Art Exhibition showcased an impressive array of creativity and talent from both Middle School and Senior School students. Held in the school's library, the exhibition served as a platform for students to display their folio artworks, offering a glimpse into their artistic ideas and expressions.
The Middle and Senior School section of the exhibition featured a diverse range of artworks, including one point perspective drawings, printmaking, and watercolour studies. From vibrant Fauvist paintings to intricate wire sculptures, students demonstrated their experimentation with various mediums and techniques. Works in progress and trials with art materials and techniques
The sophistication and maturity of their work were evident, with pieces reflecting personal and contemporary ideas.

Anne McMaster
Head of Visual Art
Art Exhibitions
An exhibition called Money’s too Tight to Mention will be displaying work from Haileybury Art Students with their work being turned into stickers. The exhibition is open for all to attend on Friday, 17 May at the Darwin Visual Arts Association. More information can be found here Money’s too Tight to Mention! | AENT (arteducators.nt.edu.au)

Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival
Our Visual Art students will be exhibiting their artwork for voting at this year’s Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival. More votes mean more prizes for our students!
Our very talented musicians are also busily rehearsing for the festival. Haileybury Rendall School will be showcasing our Fireflies and Contento Choirs, Contemporary Ensemble, Animato and Chamber Strings, String Quartet and Symphony Orchestra on Sunday, 12 May from 4 pm to 5 pm on the Banyan stage.
We look forward to the HRS and wider community all enjoying the efforts and wonderful achievements of our students at the festival.
More information can be found here Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival
Marianne Foster
Visual Arts Teacher
House Singing
House singing wrapped up Term 1 with impressive performances from Middle and Senior School students.
Students sang their hearts out and busted out some great dance moves. Djarrak took us for a ride on the highway, Pumarali let it go with Frozen, Baru made way for Moana, and Nganabaru had their sun rolling high, through the magenta sky in the circle of life, capturing first place for their second year in a row! Well done!
A fantastic example of the HRS spirit from all students. Congratulations.